
The Merlin Cleanser recorded Virtual Training

The Merlin Cleanser is a stand-alone energy that can be used as a taster for people not yet familiar with MTHS-TAHS to experience but also for everyone to use regularly to clean their inner and outer world space, which will bring more clarity, balance and a sense of freedom.

As you know, you are the only thing that is ever going on from your point of view, of course, and everything that comes into your field of vision is being experienced by you internally. 

Everything does exist outside of us, of course, but our experience is always an internal experience, and everything we experience carries a particular vibration of energy and, as with all energies, does affect us in some way. 

The Merlin Cleanser clears these energies within our own field and it also clears the field of the people or things that we experience within our own reality leaving us feeling clear and more expansive. 

It can be used to regularly clean our own auric field around our own body as well as clean negativity in our thinking, and I find it works instantaneously in almost all cases. 

When used correctly it brings conflicts within relationship dynamics that we're having with other people, into balance very quickly.

This small 90-minute webinar will include the specifics of how to use The Merlin Cleanser as well as receiving the necessary attunement and symbol. 

The class is open to everyone regardless of whether they are initiated into MTHS-TAHS or not and is certified.

The class is open to everyone regardless of whether they are initiated into MTHS-TAHS or not and is certified.

Once you've gone through the recording, please contact us here to arrange your attunement.

Cost: £40

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